Thursday, July 9, 2009

Overview of the 4th of July Weekend!

It has been a while since I have posted anything due to my wonderful busy schedule at work, but hopefully in the next week I will have some more pics and updates. I got a half day last Friday so I took my dad and Kiley to see Ice Age 3. Kiley insisted that we had to see the 3D version so almost $40 later we spend the afternoon at the movie theater watching this movie with our special glasses and half way through she is telling me she wants to go home. I told her unless she wanted to get a job we are staying to watch the rest of the movie. That night we went to my aunt Carol's house in Independence to watch fire works from their front yard and of course my child like the motor mouth she is talked through the entire show. Saturday we went to stay with Nicki, Rick and my nephews. We had a barbecue at her friend Sheri's, the kids swam in the pool and I of course got burned even in cloudy weather. Later that night we went to one of Rick's friends house which sits with a golf course right behind it. We walked out onto the golf course and got to watch fireworks from there to. We spent the night at the Hoover Bed and Breakfast..haha..and the next day went to Water Works. The children went wild and were all over the place, thanks to Uncle Rick and Nicki's mom me and Nicki were able to just relax and watch. Kiley passes out in the car on the way home and after the busy weekend we both fell asleep pretty quickly that night.
Waiting for fireworks on the golf course.

Kiley feeding Nolan chips..these 2 are hilarious..2 peas in a pod

Kyle and Kiley after swimming at Water Works