Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Updates & Photo's

I finally have a free moment to post on here. Everything is going along for me and Kiley, she is doing very good in school and loves it. I don't know if I can really say the same for nursing school, I am constantly stressed and lacking sleep but I just deal with it. I scheduled my classes for next semester and I am extremely excited to say I have a 3 day weekend for the entire semester, my clinicals will be at University Hospital (the main hospital downtown). We have our trip to Disney all booked and we are very excited to go in March. Other than that not to much is new in our lives. I have included some pictures of the kids at Halloween. Kiley was a nurse and my nephews were I believe power rangers. Kiley and Nolan hit every house with a light on in Nicki's neighborhood. Kyle was to tired about 1/4 of the way through even though I was carrying his candy, so he went home. We have to thank the house's that thought of us parents to and had special treats aka beer for us. We had a blast. The kids passed out so quickly that night too, thank god because I was watching all 3 of them. I am off to study I will update again soon.

Monday, September 21, 2009

In My Daughter's Eyes

I heard this song at a friends wedding about a week ago and ever since then I cannot stop listening to it. This song just sums up how I view Kiley and how much she means to me, it has brought me to tears more than once in the car. I don't always get to show how much I love her since I do tend to get quite frustrated with her. I just wanted to post the lyrics to this song and dedicate it to Kiley.

In My Daughter's Eyes

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the
world is at peace
This miracle god gave to me gives me
strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand
around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about

It's hangin' on when your heart
has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy
she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kindergarten Open House.

I went to my first ever school open house as a parent. Kiley took us (me and my parents) around her classroom to show off all the stuff she is learning. We then took a trip down memory lane to stop by and visit my second grade teacher and my brother's third grade teacher. In case anyone didn't know Kiley is going to the same Elementary school both my brother and I went to. It is nice but still a little weird to walk down the halls as a parent now. Kiley was very excited to show her new school off so I tried not to ruin it by reminding her that I already knew where everything was. We all went out to dinner after at A&J's where Kiley very out of the blue proceeded to tell the waitress that "I was in my mommy's belly". I just have to shake my head and laugh. She just cracks me up.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pictures from Kiley's first day of School.

Kiley waiting for the bus. She had an entourage with her, me, her dad, my mom and brother all went down to wait with her.

Me and my baby on her first day of school.

She was getting tired of taking pictures, she just wanted to go get on the bus.

First day of school. She picked out her own outfit and was ready to go.

Sorry this took so long!

Sorry guys that it took so long for me to update this. It was a busy and rough summer. For those who don't know after 2 and a half years I am no longer working for my cousin at his law firm. So at least the stress of working there is gone but the result of not being full timed employed really didn't make the last few weeks of summer much fun since I had a lot of things to figure out and only 2 weeks to do it in. Thank fully I have a great family and amazing friends who helped me get through the worst of it. Kiley officially started Kindergarten on August 27th. I had to bite back tears as she got on the bus, which she loves to ride on. She loves school and is excited to talk about it when she comes home. She also started gymnastics and loves that to.

I also started back to school in August only this year starts the long haul of clinicals...that's right I FINALLY started nursing school. The end is finally near, well about 3 more semesters near. It is quite an adjustment from my normal class schedule since it is 5 days a week, 2 of which I am in 6 hour clinicals at night. This has been a little hard to adjust to in the first few weeks for both of us. Monday through Wednesday Kiley only sees me for like 30 minutes in the morning and that is it. I have not been this tired since having a newborn baby at home. Some of that might be due to the fact that my first full week on the floor of the hospital I picked up some bug and got sick. My clinicals are at St. John Westshore and we are on a Medical Surgical floor which is interesting. The only excitement Kiley got out of this is that she got my stethoscope. I had to buy a new one since the ones the school had us get sucked, so she was very happy about this. Over the summer she told me to break it so she could have it. I have to get back to studying. I will try to update as much as possible.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Overview of the 4th of July Weekend!

It has been a while since I have posted anything due to my wonderful busy schedule at work, but hopefully in the next week I will have some more pics and updates. I got a half day last Friday so I took my dad and Kiley to see Ice Age 3. Kiley insisted that we had to see the 3D version so almost $40 later we spend the afternoon at the movie theater watching this movie with our special glasses and half way through she is telling me she wants to go home. I told her unless she wanted to get a job we are staying to watch the rest of the movie. That night we went to my aunt Carol's house in Independence to watch fire works from their front yard and of course my child like the motor mouth she is talked through the entire show. Saturday we went to stay with Nicki, Rick and my nephews. We had a barbecue at her friend Sheri's, the kids swam in the pool and I of course got burned even in cloudy weather. Later that night we went to one of Rick's friends house which sits with a golf course right behind it. We walked out onto the golf course and got to watch fireworks from there to. We spent the night at the Hoover Bed and Breakfast..haha..and the next day went to Water Works. The children went wild and were all over the place, thanks to Uncle Rick and Nicki's mom me and Nicki were able to just relax and watch. Kiley passes out in the car on the way home and after the busy weekend we both fell asleep pretty quickly that night.
Waiting for fireworks on the golf course.

Kiley feeding Nolan chips..these 2 are hilarious..2 peas in a pod

Kyle and Kiley after swimming at Water Works

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Preschool Graduation....I can't believe it!

My baby graduated from preschool today. I still can't believe that 5 years has gone by so fast. In just 2 months she will be starting kindergarten. As they were playing the commencement music I got really emotional realizing that my baby is no longer a baby. She has hit that point where they she is a little girl. She looks less and less babyish everyday, and it is sad. The time went by so fast. Well this starts a whole new set of adventures in our life.

Dance Recital on May 27th

Kiley's 2nd dance recital. I love watching her dance even though they pay more attention to what the teacher is doing. She looked so cute in her costume.

Recap of 5th Birthday

Kiley turned 5 on April 26, I am just posting a few pics of the High School Musical themed party.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Some of my favorite pics from the last 5 years

First day of preschool.


Halloween..she loves Disney princesses.

To cute!! Love my little girl.
2 years
This is one of my all time favorite pictures. This completely shows off her personality.
15 months.

Cake must have been good.

9 months

Sleepy time.

Are these mine!

First Christmas. She loved ripping off the paper.
8 months

I love her smile.

6 months. she had the prettiest eyes and barely any hair.

my happy baby.

First time eating cereal.

Kiley's baptism. The gown she wore has been in my family for over 100 years.

First father's day, we took papa to the zoo.

Baby sunglasses were to damn cute!

2 weeks old, I loved that bonnet!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The best day of my life..the day I became a Mom!

I found out I was pregnant in August of 2003, I was 19. I had so many mixed feelings, scared, excited, nervous, happy and a whole lot more. The first few months of my pregnancy I had awful morning sickness which lasted til my fourth month. I was convinced I was having a boy..haha shows how wrong my "mothers intuition" was, in January I found out I was having a baby girl. SURPRISE!! Oh man I could just picture the teenage attitude but was still just as excited.

I was about 7 months in this picture, which is right about the same time I started to have problems. At 28 weeks Kiley was diagnosed with Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). She had very little fat storage and was measuring about 5 weeks behind in her core (stomach) measurements which I myself was measuring 5 weeks behind in "belly" measurements and stayed that way til the day I delivered. I was put on immediate moderate bed rest and told to gain some weight since I had only put on roughly 10 pounds by that time.

This was taken at my baby shower. I finally put some weight on after about 7 weeks of bed rest. She had also shown enough improvement that my doctor decided not to deliver her prematurely and let her cook a little longer. I was 34 weeks here only 4 more weeks til D-day.

Here is the basic D-day story. April 26, 2004 I was induced at University's McDonalds Womans Hospital around 1 am. I was 38 weeks. I got cervadil at 1:30 am, my first nubain shot at 6 am, pitocin at 8 am, my second shot of nubain at 10 am and it didn't work. The pitocin made my contractions so bad and they were all in my back I was asking for an epidural by 1:30pm at only 3 cm. This picture was taken post epidural and you can tell that because I am smiling...haha I couldn't feel and damn thing and it was great. I told the Anesthesiologist he was my best friend. So about an hour after getting my epidural I was 7 cm, within the span of the next hour and a half they emptied my bladder and I went to 8cm and then broke my water and I went to 9/ 10 cm on contractions. I started pushing around 3:50pm and let me tell you that was some hard work, I had to have an oxygen mask on to since miss Kiley was having decels (her heartbeat kept going down then back up) so after 32 mins of pushing her head was crowning and of course being my child and the fact that she is a trouble maker her heart rate plummets to 33 bpm (it is supposed to be between 140-160) and my doctor had to do an emergency vaginal delivery which consisted of a third degree episiotomy and vacuum suctioning her out. I didn't get the happy "TLC" delivery where they put the baby right on you and everyone is happy, my baby was whisked away to the NICU team in my room since she wasn't crying and I was panicking...but within a minute she finally let out a cry and pinked up right away...Kiley May arrived at 4:28pm weighing in at 6lbs 1oz and was 18 1/2 inches long.

There is my skinny little peanut who cause a whole lot of trouble. She had the bluest eyes and some dark brown hair.

I look just "great" in this picture but hey after pushing out a baby everyone looks exhausted.

Kiley was my late birthday present that year. She was born just 5 days after my 20th birthday. She is the best gift I have ever received. The minute they put her in my arms I was instantly in love with this little bundle. We went home from the hospital two days later with little peanut weighing 5lbs 12oz, she came home in preemie clothes and the diapers looked so big on her. That was really when my life as a mother started and I have never looked back.

Welcome to my blog!!

Hello to all, welcome to my world. My friend Amanda finally convinced me I should do this so here I go. Since my daughter recently turned 5 and I have been very sentimental about it lately my next few blogs will be a little trip down memory lane, starting with the beginning of it all. So enjoy!!