Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Preschool Graduation....I can't believe it!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Some of my favorite pics from the last 5 years
Monday, June 1, 2009
The best day of my life..the day I became a Mom!

This was taken at my baby shower. I finally put some weight on after about 7 weeks of bed rest. She had also shown enough improvement that my doctor decided not to deliver her prematurely and let her cook a little longer. I was 34 weeks here only 4 more weeks til D-day.
Here is the basic D-day story. April 26, 2004 I was induced at University's McDonalds Womans Hospital around 1 am. I was 38 weeks. I got cervadil at 1:30 am, my first nubain shot at 6 am, pitocin at 8 am, my second shot of nubain at 10 am and it didn't work. The pitocin made my contractions so bad and they were all in my back I was asking for an epidural by 1:30pm at only 3 cm. This picture was taken post epidural and you can tell that because I am smiling...haha I couldn't feel and damn thing and it was great. I told the Anesthesiologist he was my best friend. So about an hour after getting my epidural I was 7 cm, within the span of the next hour and a half they emptied my bladder and I went to 8cm and then broke my water and I went to 9/ 10 cm on contractions. I started pushing around 3:50pm and let me tell you that was some hard work, I had to have an oxygen mask on to since miss Kiley was having decels (her heartbeat kept going down then back up) so after 32 mins of pushing her head was crowning and of course being my child and the fact that she is a trouble maker her heart rate plummets to 33 bpm (it is supposed to be between 140-160) and my doctor had to do an emergency vaginal delivery which consisted of a third degree episiotomy and vacuum suctioning her out. I didn't get the happy "TLC" delivery where they put the baby right on you and everyone is happy, my baby was whisked away to the NICU team in my room since she wasn't crying and I was panicking...but within a minute she finally let out a cry and pinked up right away...Kiley May arrived at 4:28pm weighing in at 6lbs 1oz and was 18 1/2 inches long.
There is my skinny little peanut who cause a whole lot of trouble. She had the bluest eyes and some dark brown hair.
I look just "great" in this picture but hey after pushing out a baby everyone looks exhausted.